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Mon, 15, Feb, 2021 21:37

Reseller Hosting is a hosting package that allows you to create a hosting account to share or sell to websites or people different from the web space and traffic limits you have.

Reseller hosting services are hosted on shared servers as well as shared hosting services from which other users also receive services. That's why Mailbox has created the "Web Hosting Master" package for you.

In th…

Mon, 15, Feb, 2021 21:27

It is known as an open source relational database management system. It is explained as the preferred software or service to create or manage a database while adhering to the relational model.

What is MySQL?
MySQL is a multi-user, fast and robust database management system installed on more than six million systems.
It is the most used database in web servers and can be used with many W…

Mon, 15, Feb, 2021 17:32

An IP address is required for each device connecting over the Internet. It is used especially for the correct transfer of the information to be transmitted. Therefore it is also known as the transmission number. IP4 and IPV6 are two different types.

What is an IP Address?

What is IPv4?
It is defined as the identity of the computer for users. It is used to identify devices on …