My site is listed on Google as an offensive site, what should I do?
My site is listed on Google as an offensive site, what should I do?

We call this virus infecting your website as iframe virus. Before cleaning, we need to give information about what is iframe virus, how it is transmitted, its samples and how to remove it.

What is the IFRAME Virus?

FTP passwords are stolen from your infected computer. After the FTP information is stolen, the attacker will log in at ftp whenever he wishes, and insert an iframe or script tag between your site's index. *, Default. * Or html tags of all your files (usually at the bottom of the page).

How is it transmitted:

The virus infects itself with your website files in two different ways.

1. The attacker first infects your computer with a variety of ways.

2. It is generally transmitted through modules you add to open source software.

The purpose of the virus infected with your computer is to steal the file and / or ftp password stored in the FTP Program on your computer. After the FTP information is stolen, the attacker will log in at ftp whenever he wishes, and place an iftame or script tag between your site's index. *, Default. * Or html tags of all your files (usually at the bottom of the page).

The IFRAME tag is hidden among the html tags of your page. It aims to infect users who visit your page or gain a hit.

If the iframe virus is infected through your modules, we recommend that you remove the modules you have installed recently, if possible.


IFRAME code examples:

What you need to do to be protected:

1. Change your FTP password.

2. Use updated antivirus software on your computer.

3. Do not set your FTP password to automatic login or change your password after FTP login. Site with IFRAME Virus is shown as offensive site in google search results. To fix this,

you can:

1. Login to

2. Sign in with your Gmail account or a new account.

3. Verify by adding your site.

4. After verifying your site, click on the malware warning to see the pages infected with malicious code and clear the malicious code from your pages.

5. Click on “Re-evaluate the site” from the left menu…

6. Please ask that you remove the harmful codes on your site and re-evaluate them.

7. Your site will cease to be offensive within a few days!


March 6, 2020, 5:50 p.m.