SEO is one of the best digital marketing strategies that can help increase your brand's online visibility and increase your site's traffic and ranking. However, one of the most important reasons that most marketers fail to master this technique is that it consists of in-page and out-of-page factors.
If you're a beginner, these factors can overwhelm you, causing you to make SEO mistakes. T…
Yerli E-Posta ( Milli E-Posta Servisi ) Nedir?
Yeni yasal mevzuatlara uygun olarak, kurum veya bireylerin e-posta ve mesajlaşma ihtiyaçlarının, Türkiye içerisinde bulunan sunucular üzerinden, Türkiye vatandaşı olan bir teknik ekip tarafından ve tamamı yerli sermayeli bir Türk şirketi tarafından sunulması hizmetine Yerli E-Posta Servisi denir.
Vulnerability Summary
MyLittleAdmin is a web-based management tool specially designed for MS SQL Server. It fully works with MS SQL Server. While the product appears to be discontinued (no new releases since 2013) it is still being offered on the company web site as well as part of the optional installation of Plesk. Furthermore, there are numerous active installations present on the…